ZCS practice

Introduce initials z, c, s, zh, ch, sh, j, q, x

More pinyin exercise of z c s – zh ch sh; circle the one you think you heard.

zhēn zhī pǐn zhǐ zhàn yuán zhí zhèng dǎng zhèng zhì jiā
针织品, embroided goods 指战员, military commander 执政党, party in power 政治家, politicians
zhēn zhū mǐ zhào shì zhě zhǐ nán zhēn zhōng shān zhuāng
珍珠米, pearl rice 肇事者, perpetrator 指南针, compass 中山装, Chinese jacket
chá huà huì cháng yòng zì chéng shú qī chí jǐu zhàn
茶话会, tea party 常用字, frequently used words 成熟期, puberty 持久战, sustained warfare
chǎng péng chē chū rù zhèng shǒu tí shì shèng dàn jíe
敞篷车, convertible 出入证, pass 手提式, hand-set 圣诞节, Christmas
shèng lì zhě shuō míng shū
胜利者, victor 说明书, user’s manual
shē chì pǐn shēng chǎn lǜ shí jiān cí zhī zhū wǎng
奢侈品, luxury items 生产率, production rate 时间词, time words 蜘蛛网, spider’s web
zhān zhān zì xǐ zhēng quán duó lì zhǎn chì gāo fēi zhāng guān lǐ dài
沾沾自喜, pride in one’s self 争权夺利, power struggle 展翅高飞, fly high 张冠李戴, mistake someone
zhī jǐ zhī bǐ chā chì nán fēi cháng nián lěi yuè chū ěr fǎn ěr
知己知彼, know self and other 插翅难飞, hard to escape 长年累月, year in year out 出尔反尔, go back on one’s words
chuò chuò yǒu yú chèng xīn rú yì shān shān lái chí chéng qiān shàng wàn
绰绰有余, more than enough 称心如意, as one pleases 姗姗来迟, late in arrival 成千上万, in large numbers
shàn shǐ shàn zhōng shǒu wú cùn tiě shān shuǐ xiāng lián shě shēng wàng sǐ
善始善终, well done from start to finish 手无寸铁, totally disarmed 山水相连, connected as water and land 舍生忘死, risk one’s life