Classes and Materials

Classes are designed to enhance your language performance. They are conducted in both Chinese and English. Even though the textbooks are supposedly for beginners, with limited vocabulary and rudimentary syntax, the class is a real language environment in which you are expected to speak and write, however slow, like a native speaker. There are supplementary language materials such as grammar drills, skits, additional reading assignments. Since some of these materials are copyright protected, you need a password to access them.

Required Textbooks:
  • Integrated Chinese Textbook, Level I Part I (Simplified Character edition); third edition, edited by Tao-chung Yao and Yuehua Liu; Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2009; ISBN: 978-0-88727-638-5
  • Integrated Chinese Workbook, Level I Part I (Simplified Character edition) third edition; edited by Tao-chung Yao and Yuehua Liu; Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2009; ISBN: 978-0-88727-640-8
  • Integrated Chinese Character Workbook, Level I Part I (Simplified Character edition) third edition; edited by Tao-chung Yao and Yuehua Liu; Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2009; ISBN: 978-0-88727-648-4

There are technical gadgets like smartphones that you may find useful for this course. For example some cellphones come with the capabilities to transcribe human speech into character texts, or to translate Chinese texts into English.