
Your grades in the course are determined by daily performance. (We will accept no written work which does not have your Chinese name in character on it.) You are competing not with your classmates but against the communicative demands of the language. We recognize that you forget as you learn, which is only natural. Each person will perform to receive credit; but, there is nothing in the grading system to discourage collaborative efforts to achieve the highest level of performance possible.

Your course grade breaks down as follows. There are about 40 quizzes in Moodle (40%) and about 30 homework assignments, including oral drills in class (30%). Participation is mandatory and we take attendance for 30%.

Areas in which your performance is graded:

  1. In class character dictation 听写 on new vocabulary. You need to be able to write down these Chinese characters correctly without looking at the textbook.
  2. Moodle 测验/考试; these tests are routinely given. The formats of these tests include: multiple choices, true or false, filling the blanks, unscramble fragments, sequencing, and translation. You are not expected to remember all  the words from the textbook but should be able to remember those that we introduced in class.
  3. Homework 作业; it must be done double space either in hard copies or typed from your computer, with plenty of margin for comment and correction. You don’t turn in pages torn from the textbook filled with partial answers. Write out full sentences rather than fragments in your homework. Homework is collected at the beginning of each class.
  4. If and when you miss a class and want to make it up, we credit your call in Teams or office visit in person. When typing in computers, try to eliminate typos.