Pinyin exercise three
Part (first) to the word in blue;
Part (second) from the word in blue
声母练习4 | |||
1.单音节词语对比练习 | |||
jī zhī | jiān zhān | xiē chē | qī chī |
机-织 | 兼-粘 | 歇-车, | 七-吃 |
qín chén | xī shī | xiàng shàng | xīng shēng |
琴-陈 | 西师 | 相-上 | 星-声 |
jié zhé | jìn zhèn | qíng chéng | jiā zhā |
节-折 | 进-阵 | 晴-成 | 家-扎 |
jiào zhào | qiáo cháo | xiàn shàn | jiāng zhāng |
叫-照 | 桥-朝 | 现-善 | 将-张 |
2.双音节词语对比练习 | |||
qí zi | chí zi | xī shēng | shī shēng |
旗子, flag, banner | 池子, pond | 牺牲, sacrifice | 师生, teacher and student |
jǐ tiáo | zhǐ tiáo | xī qì | shī qì |
几条, several threads | 纸条, slip of paper | 吸气, inhale | 湿气, humidity |
jì dù | zhì dù | xī fàn | shī fàn |
嫉妒, jealous | 制度, system | 稀饭, porridge | 师范, set example |
jī xīn | zhī xīn | xì cí | shì cí |
鸡心, small heart | 知心, confidant | 戏词, opera lines | 誓词, pledge |
zá jì | zá zhì | yù xí | yù shí |
杂技, acrobatic | 杂志, magazine | 预习, preview | 玉石, jade |
bái qī | bái chī | shēng jí | shēng zhí |
白漆, white paint | 白痴, idiot | 升级, promote | 生殖, procreate |
zǔ jī | zǔ zhī | bù jí | bù zhí |
阻击, defensive battle | 组织, organize | 不急, no hurry | 不直, not worth |
dà xǐ | dà shǐ | ||
大喜, great happiness | 大使, ambassador | ||
3. 双音节词语练习 | |||
jìn zhǎn | jǐng zhì | jiàn zhù | jì zhě |
进展, progress | 景致, scenery | 建筑, archetecture | 记者, journalist, reporter |
jīn zhāo | jiū zhèng | jié zhù | jià zhí |
今朝, now | 纠正, to correct | 截住, stop or halt | 价值, value or price |
zhá jì | zhàn jǜ | zhào jí | zhěng jié |
札记, reading notes | 占据, occupy | 召集, call to meeting | 整洁, organized and clean |
zhì jiā | zhī jǐ | zhēn jǐu | zhèng jiàn |
治家, put family in order | 知己, confidant | 针灸, acupuncture | 证件, ID card |
qǖ chē | qíu chē | qīng chú | qù chú |
驱车, go by car | 囚车, prison vehicle | 清除, clean out | 去除, get rid of |
qīng chūn | qī chá | qì chē | cháng qī |
青春, youth | 沏茶, make tea | 汽车, automobiles | 长期, long term |
cháo qì | chā qǚ | chéng qiáng | chéng qǐng |
潮气, tidal air | 插曲, interlude music | 城墙, city wall | 呈请, plea, request |
chuán qī | chū qī | chōu qiān | chōu qǚ |
船期, boat schedule | 出奇, spectacular | 抽签, draw lottery | 抽取, extract |
chú qù | chěng qiáng | chāo qún | xiāng shí |
除去, exclude | 逞强, show off | 超群, outstanding | 相识, to be acquainted |
xiǎng shòu | xiǎn shì | xuán shū | xiàn shēn |
享受, enjoy | 显示, make visible | 悬殊, uneven, disparity | 献身, dedicate one’s self |
xiào shè | xié shāng | xiě shí | xiǎo shuō |
校舍, school dorm | 协商, negotiate | 写实, write realistically | 小说, the novel |
xīu shì | sàn xīn | shù xué | shuō xiào |
修饰, embellish | 散心, be free of worries | 数学, math | 说笑, speak jokingly |
shí xià | shǎo xǚ | shěn xùn | shùn xǜ |
时下, right now | 少许, a few | 审讯, interrogate | 顺序, order, sequence |
shěng xīn | suō xiǎo | suǒ xìng | sū xǐng |
省心, worry free | 缩小, shrink | 索性, simply | 苏醒, wake up |
suān xìng | sōu suǒ | sōng xiè | sī xiǎng |
酸性, acid | 搜索, in search of | 松懈, relax, loosen up | 思想, thoughts |
sòng xíng | sī xià | xún sī | xiāo sǎ |
送行, see one off | 私下, in private | 徇私, ask private matter | 潇洒, natural, unrestrained |
xǐ sè | xùn sù | xīu sè | |
喜色, happy look | 迅速, quickly, speed | 羞涩, shy, bashful | |
4.多音节练习 | |||
jī qì rén | jiā cháng fàn | jī pǔ chē | jǜ zhōng rén |
机器人, robot | 家常饭, home food | 吉普车, jeep | 剧中人, characters in a play |
jiào kē shū | jīng cháng xìng | juǎn xīn cài | jiè shào rén |
教科书, textbook | 经常性, frequency | 卷心菜, cabbage | 介绍人, introducer |
jìng zhēng lì | qián shuǐ tǐng | qì chōng chōng | qīn luè zhě |
竞争力, competitiveness | 潜水艇, submarine | 气冲冲, outraged | 侵略者, invader |
qì xiàng zhàn | qǐ zhòng jī | xīu shì cí | xīn huá shè |
气象站, weather station | 起重机, crane | 修饰词, rhetoric | 新华社, China news |
xiàn chǎng huì | xī wàng zhí | xíng róng cí | xī chén qì |
现场会, on-site meeting | 希望值, expectation | 形容词, adjectives | 吸尘器, vacuum cleaner |
xì jǔn zhàn | jià shǐ yuán | qǖ chóng qì | qǐ shǐ jù |
细菌战, germ warfare | 驾驶员, driver | 驱虫器, insect repellant | 祈使句, command |
jī shǎo chéng duō | jī chǔ jiào yǜ | jiāo bīng bì baì | jí zhōng shēng zhì |
积少成多, amass | 基础教育, basic education | 骄兵必败, arrogant army loses | 急中生智, resourceful in crisis |
jié jié shèng lì | qī rén tài shèn | qí sǐ huí shēng | qiān zhēn wàn què |
节节胜利, from victory to victory | 欺人太甚, bully people | 起死回生, resurrection | 千真万确, absolutely true |
xí yǐ weí cháng | jì shù gé xīn | xiōng zhōng yǒu shù | xīn zhí kǒu kuài |
习以为常, habit makes right | 技术革新, tech innovation | 胸中有数, confident at heart | 心直口快, straightforward and outspoken |
xiān jiàn zhī míng | xǜ rì dōng shēng | xǐ chū wàng wài | |
先见之明, prophetic | 旭日东升, sun rise | 喜出望外, overjoyed |